Ultimate BAJA CALIFORNIA Google Maps Guide

For your traveling pleasure, we give you the Ultimate Baja California Google Maps Guide!  

What does that mean, you ask? Well … we’ve compiled details of every single place we visited in our long adventure to the Baja Peninsula. How to get where, what you’ll find, and what to eat and do. (Plus helpful links to all of the videos!)  And the best part ?

We’re still out here!  Check back often for more details!

All The Places!

Everything You Need To Know About Baja

Baja California is a wonder. An absolute wonder. This was never on our radar, and yet it’s become a complete favorite of ours. We stumbled onto this place because we wanted to go to a vanlife festival. And then we didn’t leave. LOL!

The Details

  • The roads are both as bad as you’ve heard, and also not all that bad. There are a number of interstates in the US that are worse as far as potholes and potential damage. The only real difference is the width. Baja roads don’t typically have shoulders or much more width than is absolutely necessary.
  • There is a difference between north and south, and not just the time zone. The feel changes. The north feels much more “desert” and unpopulated to me, even though it has coastline, and the south less desert and more filled with humans. At least as far as Baja can be filled. There really aren’t many folks down here, and the ones that are feel very spread out.
  • It’s both quick and far. There are stretches where you can drive for hours and see nothing but cacti. And there are places where you expect a long drive between towns and it’s actually under an hour. Distances are deceptive down here.
  • Topes. Always be on the lookout for topes (speed bumps). They’re harsh and sometimes hidden. You’ll know it when you find a stealth one.

On a Personal Note

My personal favorite places so far have been … well, that’s actually a work in progress. We’re still in the middle of the adventure so things are probably going to change. But having said that:

  • Favorite Town: Todos Santos. With San Ignacio as a close second.  truthfully, most towns down here are incredible, but you gotta pick a favorite, right?
  • Favorite Beach: Playa El Tecolote.  While there are major gatherings of people here every now and again, it’s huge and easy to spread out.  The water is peaceful, the mountains beautiful, and the overall feel one of chill.  This is our go-to for relaxation.
  • Favorite Activity: Snorkeling with the whale sharks in La Paz.  Well, obviously my favorite activity has been eating tacos, but the whale sharks are a very close second.  LOL!  The water was cloudy and cold, but seeing those beautiful creatures so close up was incredible.


Wanna actually see what we’ve been talking about?  Here’s the playlist of all things Baja!


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